
adopted Refinement – Physical – Post #1 This is the first installment in a series that will follow over the next many months about our experience of assisting our son Jonathon and his wife Sarah adopt Izze.  Hardest experience of my life, but also life-changing.  I hope reading about our experience will touch you in some way and that you might gain […]
diet Update for Week 9 Phase 3 So, holding steady this week.  It has been interesting to note that although my weight is not doing much right now, I am still losing inches and things are continuing to fit better all the time.  I also have my hormones and adrenals in “crash” mode right now due to all this legal stress with […]
diet Week 8 Phase 3 Update Wow!  Things have been crazy busy and I am a few days late getting this post up.  I finally broke through my 27.5 pound weight loss and dropped another half pound this past week.  After the small holiday weight gain and time off my thyroid meds – I am ecstatic!!!!   There is a lot […]
exercise Week 7 Phase Three Update So we headed to AZ on Christmas day to visit with our middle son and his cute family.  My goal for the holiday season was to at least maintain my weight throughout the madness.  For the first time since I started on my thyroid medication I left Utah without it and was without it for […]
diet Update for Week 4 Phase 3 So this is a day late – no surprise with everything I have going on.  I am feeling a teeny bit discouraged as I had to go in for blood work for my hormone levels and found out Friday that all hormone levels have completely crashed again (I thought my tiredness was due to the […]
diet Update for Week Three Phase Three Back down to my all-time low since beginning the challenge.  Hoping I can break it this week.  With all the holiday parties, etc I am feeling grateful to be maintaining for right now.  It has been a pretty stressful week for me and I am pretty proud of myself for not “eating my feelings”.  I […]
diet Challenge Update – Week Two Phase Three Back to my all time low this week – a real relief to have my “holiday” weight gain gone.  Have been wearing things of late that I have not been able to wear since I was 10 pounds less than I am now.  Says a lot to me that it really is about WHAT you […]
diet Update for Week 1 Phase Three Challenging week with a family dinner on Wednesday night this week and then Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.  I was extremely careful on Wednesday’s dinner, but less so on Thanksgiving.  I gained 5 pounds, but am only up a bit over 2 pounds as of this morning.  Disappointing, but expected.  I have such a lousy thyroid […]
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diet Challenge Update – Week 12 Phase 2 Just completed our first six-months on the challenge.  My stats to date are:  Down 26.6 pounds, lost 5″ from both my waist and hips.  Arms are down 2″, thighs down 3.5″, calves down 2″, under bust down 4″, and full bust down 3″ (that’s one area I could have done without any loss!  :)).  I […]
diet Update for Week 11 Phase Two First of all, I apologize for failing to update my blog last week – things have really heated up in regard to my son and his wife adopting little Izze (watch for a blog post update on that later this week) and I have felt pretty paralyzed by all the legal drama.So….I had a rather […]
diet Challenge Week Nine Phase Two Update Remaining the same for this week.  I pretty much expected that after my loss last week.  I have had a lot of people ask me about my home gym (so to speak).  It is set up in my garage and consists of:  one incline bench with leg attachment, one flat bench, dumbbells (3 lb, 5 […]
diet Week 8 Phase 2 Update Down 3 pounds this week!!!!!  Halle-freakin’-luja!!!!  I have hit the coveted 25 pound mark!  VERY motivating to really stick to the program – even when you seem to be hovering forever!  I wore a jacket yesterday that I could not even get on (WAAAAAy too tight thru the arms) and it was quite loose and […]
diet Week 7 Phase Two Update I am down another pound this week for a total of 22 pounds in 19 weeks.  Feeling so good – with lots of energy!  Not too bad for a 50 year-old woman with thyroid, adrenal and hormone issues.  My husband is down 27 pounds.  Such a way of life for us now I can’t imagine […]
diet Week 6 Phase 2 Update I FINALLY broke through my plateau!!!!!  I lost a pound this last week and am at a total loss of 21 pounds.  One of the things I find most interesting is that people don’t say, “Wow, you have lost a lot of weight!”, they are saying “You look pretty in that color.” or “You are […]
diet Update Week 5 Phase Two Holding steady this week.  I lost the 2 pounds I gained, but nothing additional.  I will not be lamenting however, just happy to be hanging in there.  I am feeling great!  My husband is down like 27 pounds now and we are continuing the daily morning routine of strength training and cardio.  LOVE the fall […]
diet Week 4 Phase Two Update They say better late than never right?!  I actually had a really hard week last week for the first time in the last 16 weeks.  I think it was more hormonal than anything and I didn’t stray too far, but I did feel the effects.  I gained 2 pounds last week – I did a […]
exercise Week Two of Phase Two Update This week was mostly a holding steady week – no real advances in either weight loss or inches.  The thing I am finding interesting is that I am back into my size 8 pants although I am 10 pounds heavier than last year when I was wearing that size.  I feel like they fit better […]
exercise Update for Week 1 Phase Two Just got back early this morning from our trip to Maine – I have been kind of apprehensive about my weigh-in since it has been about 10 days since I have seen a scale.  I am happy to report I am down another pound and a half.  This brings me to a total of 17.3 […]
diet Update for Week 12 Phase One Don’t really have much to report – we are in Maine visiting our grandchildren and as such, I do not have scales or a measuring tape to check on my progress.  I will say it has been a bit of a challenge to stay completely on course with travel all day on Saturday and coming […]
diet Update for Week 11 Phase One This week was one of my most challenging.  I had a realtor convention in Park City for two days. I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep the night before I left due to wrapping things up since I would be out of town for 2 days.  While I had to change the menu quite […]