Since this has hit the newspapers I guess it is okay to share a small part of our story with you. I have been afraid to say anything at all.
This story is not entirely correct, but gives enough detail for you to realize the hell we have been going through this past year. This is not the kind of thing you mention in casual conversation. If you have not been through the child protection services, you have NO idea of what we are facing. Parental right laws in Utah favor BOTH parents to have access to their children and proving that a parent is detrimental to her children is nearly impossible.
I honestly don’t know how Izze had the courage to take her sister and go to a neighbor’s house for help, but we are SO thankful she did. We currently have a Protective Order in place, but face a future court date for a Change in Custody order. This would make the situation permanent unless some pretty huge hurdles are overcome by “mom”. Termination of her parental rights is what we are really seeking.
I cannot even begin to tell you about the sleepless nights when they have to go to “mom’s” house, the overwhelming, paralyzing fear that you are powerless to keep your grandkids safe, the fear of returning to that home that the girls express….. (and yet the law requires that we send them anyway). It is heartbreaking! Try looking your own child in the eyes and tell them you cannot keep them safe. I can’t think of anything bigger to put a permanent hole in your heart.
One of the big lessons I have learned this year is that I don’t have to shoulder everything by myself. I am not very good at asking for help EVER! But this situation is SO critical to the safety of my grandkids, that I am asking for those that are willing to pray that we will be able to keep the girls safe forever…. I could write about this situation for hours, but my intent is not to make “mom” look bad, but to ensure the safety of the girls.
I am sure many will “judge” us, but trust me when I say you have NO clue as to the hurdles we have faced while trying to protect them. You don’t have to understand everything to know that their safety is our only concern. PLEASE pray for Izze and Madde and their parents. Our very souls are exhausted and we need your faith and strength to get us through this.
Thank you in advance. Also, hugs appreciated if you see me….