Spent this afternoon in Park City with my BFF from the American School in Japan – Michele Ito.
Still silly after all these years! |
Over twenty years have passed since we last saw each other at our 10 year HS reunion – over 30 years have flown by since we were in high school together in Japan. – May I just say that my very favorite part of having good friends is the ability to “pick up where you left off”. Still love spending time together! Many of my high school memories are not pleasant – I was very conflicted – didn’t like myself much back then – and quite frankly, you couldn’t pay me to go back. That being said, it was good friends, like Michele, that pulled my sorry butt through those hard times and I feel so grateful to her and others like her. The world is a much better place when you have good friends to share it with. Thanks Michele for a fun afternoon – here’s to many more! Thinking at our age we may not want to wait another 20 years – lol!
Not too shabby for a couple of OLD friends! |