dietexercisehealthy eating August 15, 2011

Update for Week 10 Phase One

I started the week with a two pound weight gain (I have done this before and don’t know if this is hormone related or what), but ended with a 1/2 pound loss for the week.  I lost another 1/2″ from my waist and feel good about that.  Feeling strong and grateful for the things I am learning.  I think that persistence is definitely key and I am glad that I have had enough experience not to allow the temporary “set-backs” to totally derail me.  I am doing 4 sets of 15 now on each exercise and on Saturday (which is cardio only) I added 100 crunches on the exercise ball.  LOVE that I can do that easily now.  Heading out to Maine to visit grandkids in a couple of weeks and have already been working out a plan to stick with the program while we are there.  My granddaughters are planning to ride their bikes with us each morning when we walk for our cardio.  I think when you are determined enough you will make a plan and stick to it even when your routine changes a bit.  Two more weeks on Phase One and then on to Phase Two.  Hope you have started your program and that this finds you motivated and feeling healthy!

On an interesting note, I have had a bit of stress to deal with this week with a toilet going down (and my husband out of town) and last night water pouring into my living room during a terrible thunder and lightening/rain storm and I find that I handle it much better than I might have in the past.  Thinking it has to do with being much better balanced overall.