christmas • decorating • December 14, 2011

I Freakin’ LOVE Christmas!

I freakin’ LOVE Christmas!  I love the decorations, the family traditions, and the good will demonstrated so freely during this season.  My birthday, Christmas, and Anniversary also fall in December, thus explaining my obsession with Santa!  I have nearly 100 Santas in my collection and love each one.  Many have a special story behind them and the real “Christmas” to me is unpacking each one and putting them on display throughout my home.  Please understand that I KNOW that Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ – and I love Him with all my heart.  I LOVE the things that Santa represents to me – giving without expectation (interesting that Christ did the same, no?), the element of surprise (gifts are wrapped up and NEVER divulged by the giver), Santa keeps a list of naughty and nice (I’m pretty sure someone else does too!), and he has an awesome face – filled with a special kind of beauty and love (thinking this also applies here).  So grateful this time of year for a reason to stop and reflect and spread the love.  Hope this finds you and yours doing the same!   

Merry Christmas to one and all!  Thanks for stopping by!